Join - Become a Member

Membership in Temple Bet Emet is only $200 per year per Person.

We like to create a personal connection with you to answer questions you have about our services and offerings.

You may complete the form to the right, and one of our Executive Committee will get in touch with you promptly.

Stuart Bernardo
1st Vice President of Membership
Idele Kaplan
Vice President
Benedetta Bernardo
Judi Klein
Roger Klein

Send an Email

We welcome communications from both Members, and those who have questions or curiosity about our Congregation.

Contact and Address

Temple Bet Emet Board President
For information and details

Shul Address:

4445 S. Grand Canyon Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89147

Service Schedule (click for details)
2nd and 3rd Fridays, 7pm
**2nd Friday is Musical Shabbat**
Zoom Happy Hour – Sundays at 4pm


Our Location and Home - Red Rock Pointe Community

4445 S Grand Canyon Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89147 – Enter on nearby Peace Way

Shabbat Services
Shabbat Services
Red Rock Pointe Theater
Red Rock Pointe Theater
Red Rock Pointe Community
Red Rock Pointe Community
Google Map